Entries from 2005-01-01 to 1 year

2nd day and 3rd day

21 Dec: so happy... my gf cooked for me the second day... lunch: noodles dinner: fried seimon + bacon and vegetable... super delicous... for real.... i am so happy la.... that nite.... we talked a lot... so happy that i can hug my gf... so…

arrive england....

finally... arrived la...england... first day... go shopping... went to a lot of place la... alike hk's 1960 lei.... really really similar.... yea.... got two stuff from dior homme.... shoes and jeans.... hv discount... lucky... and a lot c…


finally.. all exam r gone... looking forward to the xmas la... can see U!! so happy...no more studying!!

exam is coming....

exam is coming... very soon la... tmr morning!! ai... studied all da day!! yea.... 4 more only... already killed one during class days...but the mood is kinda droping now...... damn..... need a break.....


連續飲左兩晚酒.... 第一晚都ok ge... micheal 生日.... sing k + drinking... 都唔係飲好多...之後個晚呢.... 又死左law... 突如其來的死亡... 唉... 討厭喝醉的自己.... 乜9 都做得出... 今朝醒來, 只有一身酒氣+ 歉疚....

命硬 曲:側田(On Your Mark) 詞:黃偉文 編曲:Ted Lo監製:雷頌紱她反對就反對 亦都跟你愛下去 猶如在大戰炮火裡 毫無懼色衝過去 誰狂怒 誰攔路 誰話我共誰 不登對 無能力與霸權比賽 還是可 比他多老幾歲 「二百年後再一起 應該不怕旁人不服氣 團圓或者晚了廿…

怒った! 本來是一件開心的事, 卻令我很不開心. 很在意....

Lost jor la... my Chelsea.... so sad la... get drunk again.... it will be the last time... i hope... Never get drunk again!!


老毛病又出來了... 很久又沒有寫日記...近況: 1:幾忙呢... mid-term ma... 2:收到psp 的winning eleven la... YEA.... so happy la... 正啊... 3:yea... done 2 mid-term... one left... 4:so lucky... econ midterm 100% same as past paper... 真係做到笑.…

win money...

yea... buy ball... win win win....$270....first time... so great....damn.... so damn boring in hk.... dun wanna stay here anymore....


這星期我去了北京, 6日5夜, 21號出發... 26號回來.... 去的目的當然為了我可愛的女朋友la... yea... 她呢, 改變很大呢, 變得愈來愈漂亮... 我呢, 當然又開始要擔心la... いい事? 悪い事? ほんとに知りません。じゃ、俺の旅は說明します。 第一天, 10:05 下…

ai....... clubbing

is it fate....is da god fooling me??how come........ went to club tonite.....damn.....so boring.... never go to hk's club again....

macau trip....

haha.... finally..... went to macau la.....first time been there... kinda like old skool hk... haha.... first we ate, then went back hotel...then go out to gamble.... first stop: hockey club.... then to gold sand....haha... won some money.…


Salary is out... yea... 夢終於完結了... 我話個... 完的時候, 就要放棄...

happy birthday ar!!

monica happy birthday ar...i was in tai o.... cant access to outside.... sorry ar... so late... haha....when u come back... let's go out togethewr la.....wish u have a happy 21 la....


一直都很想看.... 但總是買不到....yea.... 終於有得dl.... 第一時間看.... 好好睇啊.... 緊張.... 正啊....看了電影版... wah.... 無敵啊... 加上看了電視版(現在日本在播著), 更加愛上它la... 加藤あいが大好き! とてもかわすぎる! P.S. i like dat song…

drunk drunk drunk....

出黎行.... 求醉ka ma... 但可惜.... 昨晚做不到.... 好悶啊!!sing k + drink beer....with tiger and benny's family.... (their gfs)tiger left earlier....then benny's gf brought two fds....drink til 6 sth.... 一起床... 家裡沒人...gonna buy break…

damn hurt!!

so damn hurt today la....big sales = big bleeding...haha.... finally i find dat D&G tee la...yea... very happy la... and half price ja..... damn...how can i control myself!!!then i try on da dior homme jeans....wah... then i bought it law.…

dil... lost money again.... haha.....dil... how come..... god damn germany.... fucking useless!!! so down now..... cant get ya out of my head! plx tell me what should i do!! "為何永遠放不低"am i so stubborn? 如果這叫悲劇 我演過 人鄢鄢到幾…


天し: どうしていますか。生活はいいか。這幾天, 發覺 "無褚" 勁好聽. 好正啊.... 大好きです。 怕結婚只會守三分鐘諾言 曾話過要戒煙但講了就算 夢與想丟低很遠 但對返工厭倦 自小不會打算 但是仍唯獨你愛我這廢人 出錯你都肯去忍 然而誰亦早知不會合襯 偏…

in hk already man!

back jor hk la....today is the fifth day... on 21: arrive hk, so big raining.... damn... jux did a little shopping.. bought 2 jeans.... hit ma jong that nite la... big up big down... hahaha.... at last won 60!! so strong man.... on 22: sno…

one... one... one... one... day left!!

這幾天睇左五部戲:hitch: 返睇.... 一樣咁感人.... strong!! will smith!! 三岔口: 有睇 = 冇睇!! 早熟: ok ga... 可以睇下咁啦.... coach carter: 好好睇, 講班靚仔打籃球, 由壞變好... 好有教育意義.... av: haha... 無敵... funny man.... 勁愛袪睡文....…


9 dayz left from canada.... 300 left in the account!! damn....... 今天一個人待在家裹, 看著電視. 想溫書, 但無奈個心已經飛左返香港. ai..... i cant wait anymore.... ai..... cant get ya out of my head... ai..... why why why why why..........p.…

everybodyz getting trouble with luv...

had a nice talk with hok man and kwan la... first, i saw hok man online, than i call him la... and he told me everythings ok... but he wont go back hk law..dil... so sad.... and he got a job la... i were so glad to hear about it la... seem…

shit... 剛起床, 就發現一會兒有quiz ar.... 加油啊... 昨晚呢, 看左suns game 4... it was a great game, man. 個球block lei... 超勁啊!!i will die next week la... test + assignment!!

the songs i like....

今晚去左打snooker... lost... 退步左好多... kwan kwan 打來講下d 八卦啊... 好久冇同條奶西engine 仔講野lu... 佢都返hk lei... 好... 有人陪我玩lu... 雖然佢份人好鬼悶!! p.s. black eye peas 出新碟... 正!!p.s.2. 最近重新愛上陳小春首"我愛的人"愛不…

recent life...

很久也沒有寫日記了, 因為自己變得愈來愈lazy la... 講返過去果一個月, 以我依稀既記憶, 發生既事如下:1: final exam ---> very hard time!! 2: 買左visum 既鞋 ---> 想買好耐, 雖然有d 貴, 但值得既. 返香港要買多對! 3: 買左對vans ---> 兩個字 --- 形, 又…

econ exam...

now is 8:00 am... lack of sleeping... lots of works... damn.... exam is gonna be soon... gonna get killed...


終於又俾我搵到新寵啦.... 佢當然係janice la... 佢一出道就知佢會重唱黎明d 舊歌, 仲唱得鬼死咁好聽, 但就唔知佢個樣... 前幾日終於出左碟, 仲見到佢個樣, 又唔錯wor...haha... 我已經喜歡上她了!!


在考試前夕, 終於都受唔住誘惑, 買了psp.... 好正啊.... 超形 + 多function. 一開始買左nba and metal gear... metal gear 有d 唔同... 有d 煩... 亦唔敢開始la... 會死... 所以得輭都係玩下nba 過下隱算...